Valle Forge

Valle Forge
I missed! Great place to run!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Let Your Heart Play!

Every once in a while you get lucky as a runner.  For no particular reason the heart beats out the brain.  There are so many days I get caught up in work, commitments, or personal trauma.  The brain kicks into high gear and directs heart and legs on what to do (10 miles easy, forced tempo, hills).  Of course I encourage my brain's bossy behavior by developing detailed training plans.  Monday off, Tuesday track, Wednesday easy...  I wonder, when do we allow the heart to direct the legs and tell the brain to shut the F up?

The Fort Worth Labor Day 15/5K is a great event.  It is the only event I try to repeat from year to year.  This year the brain directed the body to go easy and have fun.  Leading up to the run I teased everyone I would start from the back and slap all the RAW asses I passed.  When I arrived I laced up the shoes and headed out on a 2 mile jog.  During the jog I got the "feeling."  My heart wanted to play.  I found myself shifting from a jog to 100 meter strides.  My heart and legs dancing with joy.

At the start line the brain kept saying - only 7 minute miles, no more.  At the gun the heart said - move your ass.  And for no particular reason, one week after completing a 100 mile ultramarathon, my heart wanted to play.  So play we did <3. 

1st Grand Master 18:40 5K
Thanks for the pic's Trackie's

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